In times of darkness, holding onto these timeless truths that can guide us towards the light is crucial. No matter what you're going through, remember that there are reasons to keep moving forward.
Protective Factors: Building Resilience in Challenging Times
We all face storms and challenges that can shake us to our core. However, it's important to remember that we possess inner strength and protective factors that can help us weather these storms.
7 Ways Faith-Based Communities Can Help Prevent Suicide
Here are seven ways the church and faith-based communities can contribute to suicide prevention.
Mastering Healthy Communication as a Couple
Congratulations on reaching the milestone of being married for more than a decade! While the comfort and familiarity in your relationship may be invaluable, it's essential to recognize that even the happiest of marriages can face challenges. This post will explore four common problems that can arise in even the happiest of long-term marriages and provide practical strategies to foster healthy communication and keep your bond strong.
Causes Of Generational Trauma And The Signs Of It
Yes, trauma can be passed down through families and its impact is very damaging.
The effect of generational trauma can be mistaken for a wide range of other issues. In addition, it’s not exactly something that families openly talk about. Therefore, to address this scourge, we need far more awareness and information.
Healing From Generational Trauma Is Possible, Here's How
Families pass down much more than eye color or the sound of your laugh. They pass down stories. How we view and respond to life is very much influenced by previous generations.
Trauma Bonds Explained And How To Cope With Them
We all have a deep-seated need to feel safe with and attached to others. When life does not provide for this need, we find ways to replicate it. Again, this does not mean our choices will be productive. Trauma bonds are definitely counterproductive.
What Is Trauma And The Signs Of It
Everyone endures potentially traumatizing events in their life. Unfortunately, it’s unavoidable. In some instances, these events produce an emotional response and that is what we mean by “trauma.”
How To Handle Your Job When It Feels Like You're Selling Your Soul To Make Ends Meet
Life in a profit-driven society can result in many compromises. As those compromises pile up, you may start wondering if you’ve sold your soul. The foundation of such a feeling can center on your job
How To Balance Giving Yourself A Break While Still Being A Team Player
Many clichés exist for a good reason. For example, we’ve all heard the advice about oxygen masks on an airplane. People are told to secure the mask onto their own faces before attempting to help anyone else in need. This mindset is transferable all across your life. This includes your workplace.
Why Experiencing Burnout In Medicine Or Other Helping Fields Is A Bad Thing
Workers in all helping fields feel overwhelmed, limited, and burnt out. The pressure-packed environments in which they work put undue stress on their mental and physical well-being.
Why Is There Stigma About Mental Health For Professional Workers?
Mental health stigma amongst doctors, lawyers, and other professionals appears as prevalent as ever. The folks we might most expect to be comfortable with discussing mental well-being are often the ones mired in guilt, shame, and stigma.
Why Is CBT Helpful For Treating Depression?
In the final installment of our series on Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), we’ll focus on its effective use in treating depression. Let’s first recap a little about CBT. It’s a short-term (20 sessions or less) form of psychotherapeutic treatment.
4 Ways That CBT Helps With Anxiety
CBT is based on the observable reality that thoughts lead to feelings, and those feelings create action. Thus, the key is to challenge distorted thought patterns before this cycle is triggered.
How Is CBT Different Than Other Types Of Therapy?
The concept of Behavioral Therapy has been around for a very long time. It is designed to offer solutions for people stuck in patterns of counterproductive behavior.
What Does CBT Stand For?
CBT stands for Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. The concept of Behavioral Therapy has been around for a very long time. It is designed to offer solutions for people stuck in patterns of counterproductive behavior.
Model Minorities And Coping With The Positive Stereotype
What is meant by “model minorities”? Let’s start by recognizing that, in the U.S. private sector, only seven percent of those in managerial positions are black. That small group is often held up as “proof” that people of color (PoC) can succeed. It also helps those in power present a facade of diversity and inclusion.
The Stereotype of The "Positive" Strong Black Woman And How To Handle It
The “strong black woman” trope has been around for a very long time. It sounds, on the surface, like a compliment. For many black women, it’s nothing more than manipulative pressure — giving them an impossible standard to live up to.
The Importance Of Racial Equity
In general, equality is based on the belief that everyone is equal and deserves equal treatment. Equity, on the other hand, equity is founded on the reality that not everyone starts from the same point.
Racial Equality vs. Racial Equity: What Are The Differences?
If you sometimes feel like you don’t understand modern-day discourse, you are not alone. Discussions can become quite puzzling when the terms being used feel unclear to you.