How Anxiety Affects The Brain: 3 Things To Know
Far too often, the term “stressed out” is treated as if it means the same as “anxiety.” There’s a huge difference. Generally speaking, when we’re stressed, we know the reason why.
3 Ways That Anxiety Affects Relationships
Anxiety is the number one mental health issue on the planet. The divorce rate has hovered around 50 percent for many decades.
What is Anxiety and How is It Caused?
Anxiety is a normal, inevitable, and helpful emotion. When it alerts us to danger, it can even be life-saving. Everyone feels anxiety from time to time.
What Is Social Anxiety and Why Is It Different From Being Shy?
Even the most extroverted people in the world have moments of shyness. It’s normal, it’s inevitable, and it’s nothing to be concerned about.
Healing From Trauma as a BIPOC
More than half of adults report experiencing or witnessing at least one traumatic event in their lives. Such an event might involve abuse, a natural disaster, divorce, the death of a loved one, illness, and so on.
The Aftermath: Dealing With Racial Trauma Following the Shooting In Buffalo
You don’t have to explain racial trauma to a person of color (POC). But this doesn’t mean it’s not important to keep the topic fresh and out in the open.
Nervous About Being Racially Profiled? You Aren’t Alone
Long before the term “racial profiling” was coined, the concept ran rampant. Despite America’s promise of equality, there is still so much work to do.
4 Tips On How To Deal With Anxiety As A POC
Black Americans are 20 percent more likely to struggle with a mental health issue. Meanwhile, anxiety is the most common mental health issue in the United States. What does this mean for people of color (POC)? For starters, it highlights the profound impact of racism and race-related abuse.
Where Can I Find Addiction Treatment For Christians?
More times than we realize, it’s not the specific problem that matters most. You see, every single one of us views the world through certain lenses.
Christians And The Stigma Around Mental Health: What You Should Know
The problem is real and it’s large. Roughly 20 percent of American adults struggle with a mental health condition. That estimate is probably on the low side because of stigmas that still exist.
Why Is Self-Care Important for BIPOC?
The existence of buzzwords is nothing new. However, the rise and expansion of social media have certainly increased the likelihood of something going viral.
How To Practice Forgiveness as a Person Of Color
Forgiveness is part of a healthy life. But that definitely does not mean it’s simple. Far too many people have endured terrible treatment in their lives. It is far easier said than done to find forgiveness in your heart. But, as we touch on below, the benefits far outweigh any other option.
I’m a Christian But I Have an Addiction…How Can I Deal With This?
It is quite disconcerting to be a Christian and realize that you have been caught up in the vortex of addiction. Whether it is alcohol, drugs, gambling, pornography, etc., the general perception is that addiction is caused by moral shortcomings. With faith, we’re told, we can rectify such a transgression.
Hurt By the Church? How to Begin Healing
You can get hurt in any type of community. Put a bunch of people into a group and both incredible and unfortunate things can happen.